What’s the difference between your essence and your human design?
On my websites I talk about colour palettes that reveal your essence as a spectrum or vibration of colours. I call these palettes Essence Palettes. I also speak of Human Design as being your unique energetic blueprint.
The two services are complementary. They reveal you to yourself in differing ways.
If you were a flower, your essence is conveyed by the perfume of the flower and the colours of the flower. In a human being the perfume relates to the sound of your voice and the way you move. The colours are the pigments in your hair, skin and eyes. Shapes of features are also relevant.
Putting all the clues together enables me to decide on your light vibration or season. Is your frequency like Sunlight, Twilight, Firelight or Moonlight?
Each season has associated psychological/energetic qualities. Mother Nature is so intelligent!
When your essence dictates your choices for colour and style of clothing, you convey who you are to others. Similarly when you choose colours for your website that match your palette and align with your business message, you are more likely to draw in the right clients for you. You express with consistency rather than confusion.
Using the analogy of the flower again, design points to its function and purpose. Mother Nature does not make mistakes! Every form has a function in maintaining the health and balance of the whole.
Of course, the world is not in balance. Humans have created a bit of a mess through deciding they know better than Mother Nature!
Human Design shows your function and purpose. You can ignore this and try to be something different. Most of us have diverged from our authentic nature. This is referred to as conditioning in Human Design. The objective is to use your personal Human Design map to decondition and return to ways of being that feel authentic and true to you. Those who take this journey discover life is less of a struggle. There is more satisfaction, peace, joy and feeling successful when you align with your design.
Both an Essence Palette and a Human Design chart can support a journey of personal discovery, irrespective of whether that is taken in the context of spiritual development, as part of your career/business journey or as support to improving relationships.
They are tools for personal branding that give you an edge. Human Design can help you to clarify your message, niche and ideal client. Meanwhile, the colour work helps you to convey that message. The psychological features of the colour palette reveals your shades for impact, negotiation, support, intimacy, celebration and formal/casual colours. This enables you to dress with intention, suited to the purpose of an occasion.
You will find further information on my websites.
I would love to support your business and life with these amazing tools.