Divine Living Beyond Life's Dramas - Self Mastery for Feminine Leaders 

Hello, I'm Catherine, your wise woman guide for this journey. I'm here to offer you a map and route to divine living, self mastery and leadership with integrity.

Choosing to work with me is an initiatory journey through the Feminine mysteries of beauty, power, healing, wisdom and grace, always with regard to your unique Divine Feminine design (according to your Human Design and astrology charts).

A clearer understanding of your true gifts and role in the world helps you to manage your energy effectively and take a creative approach to adjustments to your work and business necessitated by rapid change.

While clients usually come to me with work/life/leadership direction questions, they are rarely isolated from family/partnership concerns. I claim a bit of a superpower when it comes to spotting and healing relational patterns that no longer work for you. It's so important at this time to break unhealthy patterns of co-dependency. 

I work holistically and eclectically, combining professional certifications, years of coaching/mentoring experience plus deep spiritual understanding and realisation.

My adult life has been devoted to personal and spiritual development. I have several decades of professional experience as a guide, facilitator and coach. Add to this decades of exploring and practicing spiritual traditions. Plus, I keep myself up to date and have more recent qualification in energetic coaching tools and methods including Awakening Coaching, Human Design and Colour Analysis.

If you feel ready to explore a mentoring relationship to ignite the restorative flame of your feminine, receptive and creative nature, I invite you to book a free of charge exploratory call. 

The exploratory call allows both of us to assess how I can help and whether a mentoring/coaching relationship is the right next step.

 Book here to meet me

I live in the UK and work with clients internationally using Zoom.

Please scroll down to access pages with more specific details of my coaching and mentoring options. 

If you arrived on this website wanting to learn more about colour palettes/style services, these can be included in private mentoring and are also available as a standalone service. The focus of these services is understanding your unique essence and dressing in accord. Learn to dress in a way that supports your message, your gifts and enhances authority when you need to. Similarly learn your best colours for romance, intimacy, negotiation, impact and celebration!

You are invited to a journey beyond the traps of your conditioning, towards the joy inherent in your divine essence and the confidence that comes from aligning with your unique Human Design. 
A Human Design chart is an energetic map of your soul's journey through life. It reveals major themes you are likely to encounter and learn from, as well as your possibilities for growth.


Colour and Style/Personal Branding


Human Design Readings


Private Coaching/Mentoring  



Your HUman Design chart reveals your Unique energetic blueprint. Get Your Free HUMan Design Chart!