A visibility wound is said to lie deep in the psyches of many women as a result of extensive invalidation and violation of women over centuries of patriarchy.
Have you ever been told by others you are ‘a best kept secret’?
Perhaps you aren’t sure how to make yourself more visible in a way that’s comfortable to you?
I speak from taking the journey. While I don’t pretend to be fully healed or even consider it necessary to be, I do claim the status of ‘wounded healer’.
I often feel as though I’m jumping off a cliff when I write newsletters, blogs or record and post videos! But, I no longer let that stop me.
Modern energy tools can help shift your personal set of obstacles to increasing your visibility. These obstacles are usually self sabotaging beliefs and accompanying emotional impediments experienced as fear and anxiety. Everything I use in my coaching practice has been tried and tested in the laboratory of my own life.
Do you have a sense of being connected to a mission or greater purpose? Purpose and mission give you the motivation to address any incapacitating impediments. You do not have to feel comfortable all of the time. You do need to be connected to a mission that is greater than your fear.
There will always be some people who don’t like what you are saying and there will always be some people who don’t want what you have to offer. (How much does that really matter, given you don’t have the time to help everyone anyway?)
There are some people you are designed to help. In fact, there are some you could help better than anyone else. Knowing who those people are, and creating your services specifically for them, is what is important. Allow those who will be truly grateful to find you!
The old adage ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ applies in this case and allows you to step off the metaphorical cliff.
Does your visibility wound stop you from blessing the world with your creative gifts and wisdom? If so, I offer a no obligation exploratory call so we can decide if working together would be a good fit.